Kay Scarpetta has added two big Hollywood names to its cast. Nicole Kidman and Jamie Lee Curtis are set to star in the new series from Amazon Studios. The series is based on the novel by Patricia Cornwell and Liz Sarnoff adapted the material for the small screen.
The series does not have a home yet, but a deal is being worked out to bring the series to Prime Video for two eight-episode seasons, per Deadline.
Kidman is set to star as the title character, and Curtis will play her sister Dorothy. The following was revealed about the plot of the series:
Kidman’s Kay Scarpetta is a brilliant forensic pathologist, inspired by former Virginia Chief Medical Examiner Marcella Farinelli Fierro, who uses forensic technology to solve crimes. Curtis will play Kay’s flighty sister, Dorothy, the mother of Lucy Farinelli who is a recurring character in the book series.
Curtis acquired the Cornwell novel for her Comet Pictures. She said the following about the novel and bringing it to the small screen:
“Patricia Cornwell is a bonafide literary trailblazer, and collaborating with her to bring her beloved character Kay Scarpetta to life through the power of television and to introduce her to an entirely new audience is exciting. The confluence of Blumhouse and Comet bringing to life a dark, fun and layered work world and family life, spearheaded by the smart and sexy indomitable Kay Scarpetta is going to be a thrilling ride.”
What do you think? Do you plan to check out the Kay Scarpetta series once it premieres?
I love Kay, looking forward to seeing this!!!!
I plan to watch. I have read many Cornwell books.
Kay Scarpetta is one of the most interesting character in mystery literature. Happy to see interest in bringing her to life in a tv series. Trying to picture Nicole Kidman as Kay, but excited to see her bring it off.
I read her very first book as soon as it came out. Absolutely loved it ❤. However, I became very busy with a family and my career as a nurse. All these years later, being retired and taking up my love of reading again, I bought the entire series and read them all! Just finished her newest book “Livid” and was delighted with it. She is an amazing author and truly puts her all into work. Very talented and I would love to see this series. Can’t wait to see who they choose to play Lucy, Benton and Marino!!
It seems like a miss if they aren’t covering all of the prior work to be fair, as i remember it they stories did follow some element of a timeline that made sense, and key parts that evolved were because of what had gone before. I’m mystified as to why they would choose to pick this character and story up at the point of that particular book – and also Blumhouse involved, hmmm, i don’t remember thinking of these are horror stories at all, so thats a weird choice imho. Either way, hopefully they do more justice to these books… Read more »
Currently finishing up all the Scarpetta books. Have loved them from the beginning. Love the main actresses but not sure if I see them as those characters. Can’t wait to see who plays Lucy, Benton, Pete, Ann & Brice. Both seasons also must be fresh mysteries. Do Cornwell justice,
I used to read the books but they got too dark and bizarre as time went on. It will be interesting to see how they develop the series.
Read the books and loved them .. can’t wait for the series to arrive on the “small screen”!!! And great choices for the cast so far!!!