In its sixth season, the ratings for ABC’s Once Upon a Time TV show dropped by around 30%, in both the 18-49 viewer demo and total viewership, yet it wasn’t cancelled. Now, season seven of Once will go on — on Fridays rather than Sundays — without stars Jennifer Morrison, Josh Dallas, Ginnifer Goodwin, Emilie de Ravin and others who have been with the show since its beginning. Some of them will guest star here and there, but will the audience return for the “reboot”? Is there a happy ending in the offing? Will Once Upon a Time be cancelled or renewed for season eight? Stay tuned.
The seventh season of Once Upon a Time stars Lana Parrilla, Robert Carlyle, Colin O’Donoghue, Andrew J. West, Gabrielle Anwar, Dania Ramirez, Alison Fernandez, and Mekia Cox. In the fairy tale drama’s seventh season on ABC, seasoned Enchanted Forest denizens must help a grown-up Henry Mills (West) and his daughter, Lucy (Fernandez) battle evil and return hope to their world and ours. And of course, they’ll have to deal with yet another pesky curse. The many guest stars this season include Morrison, de Ravin, Rebecca Mader, Jared Gilmore, Rose Reynolds, Adelaide Kane, Daniel Jeffrey, Liam Hall, Jillian Fargey, Darcy Laurie, and Meegan Warner. **Update below.
The ratings are typically the best indication of a show’s likelihood of staying on the air. The higher the ratings (particularly in the 18-49 demo), the better the chances for survival. This chart will be updated as new ratings data becomes available — typically around 11:30am EST/8:30am PST. Refresh to see the latest.
5/19 update: You can see the rest of the latest night’s ratings.
Note: If you’re not seeing the updated charts, please try reloading the page. You can also see them here.
Last year comparison: The sixth season of Once Upon a Time on ABC averaged a 0.94 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 3.15 million total viewers.
Note: These are the final national numbers (unless noted with an “*”). These are different from the fast affiliate numbers which are just estimates of the actual ratings. The final nationals are typically released within 24 hours of the programming or, in the case of weekends and holidays, a couple days later.
What do you think? Do you still like the Once Upon a Time TV series, or did the story really end for you with season six? Should this TV show have been cancelled or renewed for an eighth season on ABC?
**2/6 update: While no one is using the word “cancelled,” ABC has decided to end Once Upon a Time with season seven. Details here.
I thought 7×04 was awful, Belle dead and Rumple on a suicide mission to join her, what were the writers thinking!! That was in no way a happy ending for Once’s Beauty and the Beast.
Agreed. While some argue otherwise, I think the ending fosters thoughts of it’s ok to die because a person you love has also died and is “waiting” for you. The implication chills me, because their are far too many impressionable people who are emotionally fragile who watched Rumbelle in hopes that they would get a happy ending–and by that I mean neither Rumple or Belle died. For any reason.
I think the idea is actually that if he finds the Guardian, Belle will somehow be resurrected. But then, the show has basically lost me as far as understanding goes, so idk.
No.The idea is when he finds the Gaurdian he’ll give up being the DO along with its immortality,die and join Belle in heaven
0.5?! OUCH. They really should have just ended this with season 6, why the need to drag it on?
They should have ended the show after Season 2 tbh.
The first season was really good, and then it all went down hill. It’s been a complete mess for ages now.
there’s speculation now from certain things learned about S1–namely that A& E took 10 years to write it because they procrastinated and hemmed and hawed to the point of nearly being fired that a producer friend of theirs Devin had to step in and give them an entire outline of plot and characters to follow and scripts. Supposedly this guy created the premise for the entire season and made Rumple. He also gave blueprints for S2–but A & E ignored them once they got Hook rights and totally ruined everything originally planned. It’s why S1 and the rest of the… Read more »
I don’t agree I absolutely love it, it’s my favourite program of all time. My teenage daughter told me to start watching it and I’ll be honest I didn’t think it would be my cup of tea but I was hooked very early on. It’s so different to any other series and I absolutely love it me and my daughter’s are totally hooked and we would be absolutely gutted if it ended.
Networks are a business,out to make money.Once still makes money.Thats why they ” drug it out”.Plus networks can onky cancel so many shows each season.
I think season 7 is slowly unfolding and bringing an amazing new perspective of how fairy tales are interpreted differently by each individual. We each have an interpretation of what a character should look and act like. Seeing Cinderella as a warrior princess and not so glamorous or a damsel in distress feeds into the antithesis of how we stereotype the characters. For example, Evil Queen is now a hero who has rehabilitated herself by embracing her darkness. We must be patient and absorb what the writers are doing with the characters. From this, we then can create our own… Read more »
Finally a sensible comment. I don’t see any reason for cancellation. I don’t agree with every character appearing now, but this is kinda OUAT next generation.
I was also happy they let go the old cast and hired fresh new faces.
I also think much more should be done about promotion. Only those whose couples have had their Happily ever after are particularly bitter about OUAT going on, and that is really selfish. My favorite character hasn’t had her “happy beginning” so naturally I expect OUAT to go on and on.
Actually Dearie, you are wrong. They have did not really let of the old cast. In case you never read a thing, Adam already spoiled that some of those that departed will return soon, and actors like Ginnifer and Josh spoiled they will return in the show soon and have not quit the show. And in case you haven’t watch or listened carefully enough on 7×02, Hook just mentioned to Regina “What really happened” to Emma after lying to Henry is hiding something. So the Emma we saw in the NEF might not be her and this pregnancy might be… Read more »
Morrison came back for one episode – Emma is never coming back.
She said she was open to another one if her schedule was open
No she is not coming back, I read.
If that is the plan they’d better get on with it
It still does not mean the old cast (most of them from the past six seasons) won’t return Tom Zarkos. You forget? Ginnifer Goodwin already spoiled that she and Josh will return, which means they are not through with the show.
Then get rid of these new characters and bring back the all the old ones.
I know there is nothing but negativity in this dammed comment section, but I just want to say, if you don’t care about the show don’t watch it, don’t write your insulting complaints in the comments section just to trash the show. Lots of us still love and appreciate the show, and the magic coming from it. Every year the haters think ONCE is going to get cancelled, but yet it never does, so I believe the show is doing something RIGHT. Sorry for the little rant, but I just can’t stand all the negativity here!
Comments about the show, positive or negative, should be welcome if this comment accurately reflects the viewer’s position. We don’t censor people for positive or negative comments.
So right you are, but truth be told if one does not like it, or does not watch it, why are they lingering around still? Yes I understand your show version of ouat is not on and has change with new tales, added characters, and is not the same… but it is the linear tale of the show including a few decedents of your old favorite characters. Keep in mind as faith has it, we don’t always get the descendents we desire. But, like a good book, we don’t stop reading because of one bad chapter.. ther’re many surprises coming,… Read more »
I love how, in this new generation, opinions are only acceptable if they agree with yours (as in the reader, whomever s/he may be at the time). Everyone has a right to be heard. Get over it. “If you don’t like the show, don’t watch it.” … The same can apply here – If you don’t like the comment, don’t read it.
” I believe the show is doing something RIGHT” Ratings say otherwise. It was only saved this season because Netflix bailed it out with some last minute cash. (I wonder if they regret that now given yet more poor ratings). And the move to friday (where shows go to die) saw even poorer ratings. I was surprised it’s still being made tbh. The show does so much wrong, it’s not even funny (and don’t even get me started on the terrible comments from the cast and creators). I stopped my daughter watching this show long ago. The messages it sends… Read more »
I plan to not watch it anymore.
La verdad el espectáculo todavía tiene mucho que contar, hay muchas historias por descubrir, la serie solo estaba hecha para 6 temporadas por eso se vio la sexta como el final, pero quedaron historias inconclusas como la de Regina y Henry por ejemplo, la idea de esta nueva maldición a mi me gusta, creo que la historia de los charmings y demás ya había cumplido su ciclo y hay que darle oportunidad a nuevas historias, continuaré viendo el show , la verdad quiero saber que sucederá con el resto de los personajes, sobre todo Regina, que depara para ella.
Thank-you for your kind words of positivity. I will continue to love, watch, and praise this show too.
I would rather have seen the show depart at the end of season 6. The loss of all the main characters was a turning point for me. OUAT with no Emma Swan?!? Unthinkable
Perhaps a spinoff about Regina might have been fun- I always enjoyed Lana Parilla’s portrayal of the sides of Regina Mills.
I do wish the remaining and added cast good luck – but I won’t be watching.
with how bad the ratings have become, I’m shocked this show is still airing. This season is nothing more than a cut n’paste of S1 with the addition of Hook–something which, for me, was not necessary. Instead of doing this mishmash with Henry playing Emma’s role, why not go back in time, set it in the EF, and tell the story of the Ogre Wars, and Rumple and Milah–and Hook after he captures her, plus have Rumple and Bae time too. That would make more sense and wouldn’t require you to jump thru hoops with AU versions of the same… Read more »
I wouldn’t say that at all-S7 is completely different from S1 and from the perspective that only a villain can break the curse is quite the turnaround: And also we get to see the possibility of Gold finally breaking free of the Dark One’s Curse. OUAT hasn’t ended for me, I love it; and I think that if they cancelled they disappoint all the fans out there.
The show should have been cancelled seasons ago, ever since they destroyed the beautiful relationship between Rumple and Belle.
Apparently, you need to watch the latest episode then.
I stopped watching it since the Rumple basically ended. Then they got rid of her from the new reboot when I personally found them to be my favorite of the cast. I wasn’t interested in it all starting over and am not surprised at all at these ratings.
I’m enjoying it. another curse is meh.. but other than that it needed a house cleaning. all the stories were told of the old cast. not so with the new cast. if doctor who can recast and renew every so many years why not other shows that deal in the fantastic? I don’t want shows like this one to end because what’s gonna replace it? everything else is so dark and graphic. I do miss the sunday aspect of it. I still watch on sundays. the clean fun nature of this show just reminded me of growing up with the… Read more »
I think the difficult thing is that there’s really no one to cheer for in this season. Cinderella and Henry together is so odd. They should’ve used Cinderella and the prince as the strong couple in this reboot (just like Mary Margaret and David was the strong couple we cheered for before), and had Henry and the kid with someone else to save everyone from Wicked Stepmother’s curse.
But it’s still early on so who knows how everything will unfold.
I would normally set the DVR to record “Once Upon a Time”. When going through that night’s schedule, we saw that “Once Upon a Time” started a new season. I set the marker to record the episode. My wife said, “Why are you recording that? I thought we agreed that the end of season 6 was it, for us. Besides, season 7 looks pretty stupid. Are you going to watch it?” I was not going to watch it… I was recording it for my wife’s benefit. Apparently, she agrees with me… season 7 is just beating a dead horse. Just… Read more »
Season 6 was the end for me. It was a great ending–why even continue with ratings steadily declining since season 4?
I totally agree. This program had started to suck a while ago. They should have ended it in season 6. It is not the same without Emma or the Charmings. As good of an actress as Lana Parrilla is, she can’t save the stupid circular plot she is in. Please cancel it now!!!
If the networks would stop ending programs at :01, eg 8:00-9:01 ratings might change. Cannot DVR two 9:00 shows with one ending at :01.
Why? Just, why? Everything was satisfactorily wrapped up in the previous season.
I know what you mean. Especially the curse, how many times did they use that as a ploy to solve a problem. I especially don’t like that they’re using the Alice character, it seems like the execs want to forget Once upon a time in wonderland never happened.
Except they rebooted a lot of characters, not just Alice. There’s a new Cinderella and a new Rapunzel, even though both of those characters also appeared on the show (and incidentally, also a new Anastasia who isn’t the Red Queen).
Not true Mario. There were stories still hanging. Like the search for Lily’s father for example or the feud between Maleficent and Aurora and the feud between Dorothy and Zelena.
Love this show, the final scene at Roni’s was beautiful, I hope it sets the tone for the rest of the season.
I wasn’t enjoying the disjointed confusion at the start until the story began to build and then I remembered feeling the same way at the begging on series. Now I am enthralled to the story and am enjoying the characters as they grow. The ratings are more reflective of the bad time slot. The old ratings in season six were reflective of overbearing tgecsame story thread. Put the show back on Sunday night and advertise more. It would get back the original following.