Reign aired its mid-season finale in January on CW, but when will the series return to CW with the second half of season three?
A return date for the series has not yet been set. The CW Reign Facebook shared a preview for the series’ return, and it does say the series will return this spring. That is all it says though.
Mary will face a new foe when the series returns though. Entertainment Weekly reported recently that John Barrowman will appear on the penultimate episode this season as Francis’ killer.
The news outlet reported that, “Barrowman, who’s no stranger to playing bad guys, is set to play Munro, a dangerous and charismatic Scottish clan leader who harbors a sinister grudge against the Queen of Scots. So naturally, when Mary returns to Scotland, she finds herself in the presence of the man who cost her the love of her life.”
Check out the preview below. Are you a fan of Reign? Will you watch the second half of season three when the series returns? Tell us what you think.
It is an awesome show! Started watching season three. Got season 1 and 2 and for Christmas and watched while waiting for the return of the second half of season 3! PLEASE…….BRING FINISH SEASON THREE AND BRING BACK REIGN!!!!!
Reign is the only TV show I watch. Please don’t cancel.
please do not cancel this show. it’s a good show and please stop messing around with time slots on these shows. that’s how you lose viewers. Don’t cancel after this season either. Thanks
Love this show, please don’t cancel it or kill Francis.
Watching on Netflix! Can’t get enough!!
Love it! Anyone who’s bothered by it not being historically accurate, remember, it’s fiction based on historical people. Stories are told this way often. Most importantly, it’s fast paced and extremely entertaining.
YES! Just found this series on Netflix and hulu. PLEASE DON’T CANCEL IT! I have never seen a series with such eventful episodes, it’s Very fast paced. I love it.
I love this found it on Netflix, I am obsessed the everything music, clothes, people everything I won’t be able to take it if they cancel its the only show I watch on cw
I am so sick of good shows like this being canceled so the garbage shows stay on tv. Please do not cancel this show!
Please don’t take this show it is an amazing show when I first starting watching it I knew everything that would happen exsept the bash thing but it is a great show to watch I would love to watch it to the end though I wish we could change the ending that she lives her days in happiness before she died an old lady
I also love this series. Why do they want to remove all the good series only to replace them with reality shows and the like? Honestly, don’t you think we, as the television audience, should be the ones to say what stays and what goes? There is such fine acting on this series. Please give these actors the credit they so richly deserve!
I love Reign!!!! Especially before the writers killed off King Francis!! Please bring Season 3 back and with King Francis at least in Mary’s dreams!!!
My FAVORITE SHOW please don’t cancel!!!!
FAVORITE SHOW!!! Please don’t cancel!!!!
omfg they cant cancel this show i love it its a fantastic show and they better not be too long bringing it back i look forward to this show every week i am sick and tired of these shows being cancled and axed and crap shows staying on so i hope they dont cancel it and bring it back asap