And it all comes down to this, the final round. Once again, some incredible sitcoms have left the competition in round four.
In a match up between I Love Lucy and The Andy Griffith Show, Lucy Ricardo and her pals won out — by nearly two to one. Amazing that it wasn’t closer considering how beloved both shows are.
In the showdown between Cheers and M*A*S*H, there isn’t really a clear winner. Depending on what time of day you check, one or the other could be on top.
Which is the best sitcom?
Total Votes: 808 ![]() |
For the fight between Seinfeld and Everybody Loves Raymond, Jerry and his show about nothing was the victor by a span of 24%. Considering the popularity of Seinfeld, that doesn’t seem all that surprising.
In the fourth category, we gave the shows that were knocked out in round three a second chance. Though they’re all quality shows, Friends was the clear victor over The Big Bang Theory, The Cosby Show, All in the Family, The Dick Van Dyke Show, and The Honeymooners.
We had planned for this final round to pit four great sitcoms against one another. But, since the voting is so close in the Cheers vs. M*A*S*H battle, we’ve decided to include both. It’ll be interesting to see how they do — perhaps one of them will be the big winner!
Tune in after next Tuesday to see who has won the title. They’re all certainly worthy. You can only vote once but, if your favorite isn’t in the lead, feel free to call on your friends to invite them to vote as well.
What do you think? Who do you want to win and why? Which do you think will be the top three?
UPDATE: Voting is over… check out our recap!
It is clear that there are alot of idiots doing the voting. SEINFELD is the GREATEST and FUNNIEST TV SHOW OF ALL TIME! Not the dull and stupid I Love Lucy show, npt the moronic Friends show.
Hard to pick betwee I love Lucy, Everybody loves Raymond, Mash, Two and a Half Men and All in the Family! They all give me my laugh for the day!! Record all of them and watch when all the not worth watching TV nights are on!
I equally and devotedly watched and enjoyed Seinfeld, Friends, and Cheers. I didn’t miss a single episode of any of these shows during their original airing, and continue to enjoy them all in reruns when I can find them. I Love Lucy was a groundbreaking classic in its time, but it never made me laugh the way the way the others did. And Although I watched every episode of MASH, it was never a favorite of mine either. Even if a few scenes will go down in history as some of the funniest ever to exist on tv.
Blackadder beat them all !
Friends and Seinfeld are amazing.
Personally since I started watching Seinfeld first I am a little more biased towards it.
I actually like both Seinfeld and Friends…it depends on my mood…
I LOVE LUCY of course! It is a timeless comedy, the years have already proven
Wow. None of my choices made the final list. I think that I won’t bother voting in this poll. The only choice I might make is Friends.
I think a lot depends on the age of the voters. Most would be too young to really appreciate MASH which was historic and clearly the best.
I’ve seen Seinfeld and never laughed, and continue to watch re-runs of Friends, and laugh just as hard as I did the first time…..Friends is BY FAR the best sitcom EVER!!!!!
M*A*S*H is obviously the best!
Friends is obviously the best!
The way I’ve always looked at it, you have two types of people in this world, people who liked Friends, and people who liked Seinfeld…takes a rare person to enjoy both equally.
Seinfeld should take this…
Friends??? really? watch it again and see if you laugh.
T, I did, and yes I did laugh. Thanks for the suggestion!
i love friends, ive seen every episode over ten times and i still laugh out loud even though i know what is coming. gets me every time! loveee
I have watched it again & again, and laughed eery time.