(Freeform / David Bukach)
Another TV show is shuffling off this mortal coil to the great beyond. Freeform has cancelled its Beyond TV show after two seasons. Since there will be no season three, the March 22nd season two finale, “There’s No Home for You Here,” will have to suffice as the unintentional Beyond TV series finale.
A Freeform sci-fi drama, Beyond stars Burkely Duffield, Romy Rosemont, Michael McGrady, Jonathan Whitesell, Dilan Gwyn, Jeff Pierre, and Eden Brolin. The mystery centers on Holden Matthews (Duffield), who woke after a dozen years in a coma to find himself in the midst of a conspiracy — in a changed world.
Beyond: A Look at the Ratings
The second season of Beyond averaged a 0.08 rating in the 18-49 demographic with 244,000 viewers. Compared to season one, that’s down by 48% and 56%, respectively. Overall, it was the least watched of Freeform’s scripted TV shows, and only rose one spot in the demo, so the cancellation makes sense.
Deadline has confirmed the Beyond cancellation by Freeform.
What do you think? Are you a fan of the Beyond TV show? Should Freeform have cancelled or renewed this TV series for a third season? Sound off, in the comments.
You guys stink. You could have went in a different direction or made it flourish in certain ways if you hit creative. I’m mad this is cancelled. I’m going to miss the relationships between the cast and the twists and turns, Charlie was my favorite character. Thanks a lot freeform.
I absolutely loved Beyond and was so looking forward to see what is planned for season 3. I have told everyone I know to start watching. Please reconsider the cancellation and renew Beyond!!
Please do not cancel Beyond!!! We need a season 3!!!!!
This is why it is so hard to get into shows now… This show has so much potential but they liked to drag **** along and then cancel the **** when they just start finally telling the story… bring it back or Netflix grab it and make this show fly…
Yes. They could’ve continued on with the story. I don’t think they’re that creative! WTH. Are they seeing this? Maybe they’re working on another show to cancel.
There should be season 3. It needs to show how solutions are found by each individuals. It really help my grandkids as they are going through similar situations. Please do season 3.
This really sucks. It was one of Freeforms better shows. I binged watched it the first time it came out. They should have released it again.
This is very upsetting. Beyond is one of the better shows on the air. It is such a great story line and excellent actors. I was so looking forward to season 3. I wish it could be renewed……….
Beyond shouldn’t have been cancelled, there was so much more to know about. I hate when you start getting into a show they cancel it or something happens
I think beyond is just starting to make a little sense. I think the actors are all great. I think it deserves another chance to see where it goes
No Beyond should not have been cancelled l loved it
Nit happy aout this ! Was really getting into this !
It was good show but season one was FAR better than season 2
Sad, Sad news. So much more was waiting to happen. Lets hope Netflix can see a winner here……
So disappointed to hear this, I watch TV to be entertained & it’s becoming exceedingly hard to do when show keep getting cancelled after 1or2 seasons, I’m tempted to step away from TV & just stick to movies . I mean what’s the point of all this TV ratings deciding if a show gets renewed or cancelled when viewers will wax & want but your job is to provide entertainment & you’re coming up pretty short…..
This sucks. The ratings were **** because it took them so damn long to come back. COME ON NERFLIX BE SMARTER THAN FREEFORM!!!!