As expected, TBS has cancelled its order for The Cops TV show, an animated comedy from co-creators Louis C.K. and Albert Brooks. Back in November of 2017, when FX Productions (FXP) cut ties with C.K. over sexual misconduct allegations, TBS suspended production of the series — which was based at FXP.
TBS greenlit The Cops back in January of 2017, and the 10-episode first season was to premiere this year. At the time of the series order, TBS said, “The Cops follows Al (Brooks) and Lou (C.K.), two Los Angeles patrolmen trying their best to protect and serve, sometimes failing at both. Ride with them as they patrol one of the biggest cities in the world, then go home with them and be glad you’re not married to either.” Brooks and C.K. were executive producing, along with Greg Daniels, Dino Stamatopoulos, Dave Becky, and Howard Klein.
Variety has confirmed The Cops series order cancellation by TBS.
What do you think? Did you expect TBS to cancel The Cops TV series, or remove C.K. from involvement and continue? Let us know, below.
Let him do the show, who cares what he does in private, I read the accusations, one he did while one the phone, well hang up woman who told you to listen to the whole thing, another in front of two women in a hotel room and they ran out AFTER he came? if it’s so bad why’d they stay til the end, these people are pathetic and it seems it only happens to famous people cause they’re all looking for a payday, you never hear about this with your average person.