God Friended Me just wrapped its series finale, so what’s next? Recently, creators Steven Lilien and Bryan Wynbrandt spoke with Deadline about the cancelled CBS TV show and the possible future of the series.
The series revolves around a thoughtful and outspoken podcaster named Miles (Brandon Micheal Hall) whose life is turned upside down when he receives a friend request on social media from a user named “God.” The cast also includes Violett Beane, Joe Morton, Suraj Sharma, Javicia Leslie, and Erica Gimpel, with Adam Goldberg and Jessica Lu recurring.
In the interview, Lilien and Wynbrandt told Deadline their season three plans for God Friended Me had CBS renewed the series:
We would have loved to explored Rakesh and Jaya’s ongoing story, we wanted her to get pregnant and see how they would deal with it and what becoming a father would mean for Rakesh. That was a big story we wanted to explore. We also wanted to explore Miles’ relationship with the atheist podcaster that we mention in the finale, we wanted Miles to be lured over to work at his company to start a podcast, to see that relationship and how that would change Miles’ perspective on being someone who is a voice piece for atheism and young millennials.
The two creators also discussed how they turned the show’s season two finale into a series finale after finding out God Friended Me had been cancelled:
I feel relieved that we have an ending that we feel is satisfactory. We were in New York directing this episode and had to pull the plug and we had no real idea if we were going to get to finish. Then a couple of weeks ago, conversations with Warner Bros and CBS started to lean towards us not getting a renewal, so Steven and I crafted a plan to finish the finale. We’d only filmed five days so we had to get crafty and pull footage from previous episodes. The fact that we were able to pull it off was a pretty monumental thing, and we’re pretty proud of it.”
And what about continuing the series as a podcast since the main character, Miles, is a podcaster? Wynbrandt said that is a possibility:
Brandon Michael Hall has talked to us about that on occasion. Currently we are just winding down out of the editorial phase of the finale, so no plans currently, but you may want to keep your ears open for it.”
What do you think? Are you a fan of God Friended Me? Would you listen to a podcast version?
We are both so sad to see this show go. It is something we and our teen age granddaughters were able to watch together. It was good ppl doing good things, just because it is the right thing to do. Such a valuable lesson. I do believe CBS has lost its way. Please,do what ever you can to bring it back! Thank you.
This was absolutely one of our favorite shows! We were absolutely heartbroken to see it go. My children and I would usually watch it Monday morning from our dvr. But it was something we always looked forward to. God bless
Sad to see the show end but people want to see guns shooting and gratuitous bloodshed. CBS is not my favorite network anymore. The same thing happened to Touched By An Angel. It’s all about sponsors and making money. CBS is going down hill.
One of THE BEST shows! We need uplifting! I hope someone else is smart enough to pick it up.
My husband and I love this thoughtful show, we look forward to it on Sunday nites. Something different, good people doing good things. It is heart warming . Please don’t cancel we will really miss it.
Any chance the series would be picked up by another network? I will miss this wonderful, wholesome show.
It’s one of the few series I really enjoyed. But if they were going to turn it into another love story I guess it would’ve eventually failed anyway.
There are so few good shows on regular TV these days – ones that don’t involve cheating, violence and or torture. This show was so heartwarming without being mushy and made us think there might be hope for TV yet. The actors are good and the storyline is believeable and miraculous at the same time. Keep it on!
GFM was a very refreshing change to the good cop, bad cop series we typically see dominating television today. My family and I really looked forward to the plots and various ways God would positively impact the lives of everyday people. I thought it was super creative and represented all facets of culture in our country. Why would they cancel one of the best series on television? It doesn’t make sense!
Great show, very sad.
I can’t believe this show was cancelled. I looked forward to watching it every week. In my opinion it’s one of the best shows on tv
God Friended Me is one of the best TV series and me and my family really looked forward to watching this every week!!! It makes me sad that this show’s being cancelled. I really hope that CBS reconsiders their decision and make Season 3.
I’m very disappointed God Friended Me has been canceled especially at a time like this when everyone is dealing with so much this show always had a feel good story. This was such a different and refreshing show as we have so many hospital and cop shows. This was a very short sighted decision. Unfortunately I’m not a podcast watcher, senior old school. Thank you for such a great show and for giving it an ending.
I am seriously going to miss this refreshing show that frequently pulled at my heartstrings. I loved the way that relationships with people and God were explored and how people’s faith could be so different and yet the same. Humanity is what we all need right now. Thank you for 2 years of love.
Unfortunately, I am not a fan of podcasts as I prefer the visual stimulation with the audio.