Cr: Tina Rowden/FOX
Sleepy Hollow fans about the death of one of the main characters on the series at the end of season three on FOX. The series is returning for a fourth season to the network, but it will be without Nicole Beharie.
Tom Mison spoke about the death of her character and the fan uproar over the departure at MCM London Comic Con over the weekend. TV Line shared his comments. He said the following about the death of Abbie:
“Abbie Mills represented more than just another character in the show. It wasn’t an easy decision for them to make. I know that. The writers, they like writing Abbie Mills. And I like acting with Nicole.”
As for the fan reaction to the death, he also touched on that. He said the following:
“When you have a woman of color in the lead role, it’s not just a woman of color in the lead role. It immediately means so much more than that, across the whole of America. There’s a woman of color in a position that not very long ago she wouldn’t have been. It comes to symbolize so much more. So when something like this happens, when they kill off said character, of course it’s going to mean an awful lot more, consequently.”
Sleepy Hollow will return to FOX this fall. Were you upset about the death of Abbie Mills on the series? Tell us what you think.
Why. Nicole was one of the reasons I watched along with the chemistry between she and Tom. Now there is no reason to watch cuz it was getting too bizarre anyway. I’m done.
Not the same show without Mills
Carla Ramsay I am very upset by this change is the dynamic of the show I think it was a turn that would probably in the show this will be his last season the relationship between the two main characters created a bond that made The show even more intriguing as each season they became closer and then to be ripped away however you choose to go with the storyline it just won’t be the same . I have been a person that’s watched anything to do with Sleepyhollow from since I was a very young girl and being black… Read more »
Please please bring it BACK I LOVE that show I look forward to it every year so I think I speak for ALL the viewers PLEASE Bring It BACK
When will Season 3 be available on DVD?
I was surprised but can live with it. Now tell me when to expect Season Four to begin airing. I love the whole story line.
I found myself rather surprised at Abby’s martyrdom–and greatly disappointed by the ridiculously chaste ending conversation between Ichabod and her. I have invested in three seasons of this series and was drawn back by the gradual deepening of their relationship wanting to know where it was going and when would it bear a more visible possibly visible fruit. I liked season 3 and appreciated seeing a more personal side to both Abby and Jenny. While one certainly cannot overlook the interethnic relationship angles and the bold social steps taken even in today’s modern climate, one still cannot help but feel… Read more »
I’ve watched Sleepy Hollow since day 1. I thought season 1 was Nicole’s best season. After that cosmetic changes and to me, over-acting, made her character harder to be supportive off. The rest of the cast, in my opinion, can carry the show, since they dumped on Ichabod and Abbie’s relationship anyway, what’s the worry.
Since April 2016 I’ve watched seasons 1-3 of Sleepy Hollow to catch up and was intrigued with the series. I was so disappointed in the ending of season 3 after googling Sleepy Hollow season 4 and finding that Abbie will not be returning. I felt heart broken, I got so involved in the series that I felt I was pushed over a cliff and left for dead after finding they axed Nicole off the show. The chemistry of Abbie and Crane was so alive and intensifying. They weren’t just good friends but they are a team. I feel the writers… Read more »
Well, all I can say is I am glad I purchased the first 3 seasons on my VUDU streaming movievAPP, because I will no longer watch Sleepy Hollow. This was my favorite show, so I purchased the Seasons to view again and again. Being a Woman of Colorado, of course I am very displeased with the role of Annie being cut. Why was this done? They brought on new characters, like that new agent, so why cut out Annie. Did she do something incorrect like falling in love with the leading man. I just do not understand. Anyway, the sjow… Read more »
NO – I wasn’t upset about the death of Abbie Mills on Sleepy Hollow. I love her character and the actress, Nicole; but, this is a new era in television in which lead characters are “killed off” and the show is able to proceed with a continuing compelling storyline and high viewer ratings.
If you love her character, you would be up set. You don’t understand why people are. Even Tom Mison is SMART ENOUGH to know why.
Well, I am certainly entitled to “free speech” so I don’t have a need to agree or disagree with you. I have so much more in my life than a tv show, and while I appreciate a well-written, well-acted show; that’s not my life. I don’t get upset about ANYONE I don’t know and will never meet. You do you — I’ll do me.