The third season of CB Strike, subtitled “Troubled Blood,” has an HBO airdate. Starring Tom Burke and Holliday Grainger, the British series is based on the novels of Robert Galbraith, a pseudonym for J.K. Rowling. The HBO series follows Cormoran Strike (Burke), who uses his past experiences as a war veteran and a private detective. He tries to solve the cases the police have not been able to solve.
The series airs as simply Strike in the UK, and there have been five seasons there. The first three seasons, subtitled “The Cuckoo’s Calling,” “The Silkworm,” and “Career of Evil” aired in 2018 as one season of seven episodes on Cinemax. The fourth season of Strike, aka “Lethal White,” aired as the second season of CB Strike on HBO. The fifth season of Strike will air as the third season of CB Strike in the US.
HBO revealed the following about CB Strike: Troubled Blood in a press release:
Private detective Cormoran Strike is visiting his family in Cornwall when he’s approached by a woman asking for help finding her mother, Margot Bamborough, who went missing under mysterious circumstances in 1974.
Strike’s never tackled a cold case, before let alone one 40 years old, but despite the slim chance of success he’s intrigued and takes it on, adding to the long list of cases that he and his partner in the agency Robin Ellacott are currently working on. And Robin herself is also juggling a messy divorce and unwanted male attention, as well as battling her own feelings about Strike.
As Strike and Robin investigate Margot’s disappearance, they come up against a fiendishly complex case with a psychopathic serial killer and witnesses who cannot all be trusted. They learn that even cases decades old can prove to be deadly.”
CB Strike: Troubled Blood is set to premiere on Monday, February 6th.
What do you think? Are you excited about the return of CB Strike next month? Have you enjoyed this British series?
Yes, love this show can’t say enough praise about it. I’m in the US and cannot wait for the next seasons to be released. I have binged watched all the seasons available on HBO Max, and really hope that they bring the rest of the series to HBO. Please please please do so.
I loved this show. Please let there be another season. The acting was wonderful. Even actors with small parts were perfect.
Tom Burke and Halliday Grainger have such chemistry! Perfect casting!
Enjoyed the show very much! Will there be another season? Loved the sparks between the two! Will they ever get together?
I love this show!
Yes verymuch! Prime stopped at episode 2 of season 3…..horrible
, not knowing what happened to Margo!!
Yes, where can we see the resolution?
Love. Love. Love it.
STRIKE was rerun lethal white on Feb 6! When will new season 3 show up?
Loved it!! Watched CB Strike for all the series in the US and disappointed they didn’t continue. I felt it was a great show, I love British drama, suspense and especially the detective shows. YES! Glad, only a few more days to wait…