Just as someone new joins Supernatural, someone leaves. Recently, cast member Mark Sheppard confirmed he is not returning to the CW TV show for season 13.
Sheppard plays Crowley on the long-running drama, which follows the two Winchester brothers as they fight paranormal forces. Sheppard joins the show in season five. The cast also includes Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles, Misha Collins, and Mark Pellegrino.
On social media, Sheppard thanked the crew and cast of Supernatural, confirming that he is indeed leaving the The CW series:
— Mark Sheppard (@Mark_Sheppard) May 24, 2017
What do you think? Are you a fan of Supernatural? Are you sad Sheppard is leaving?
I have loved Crowley for quite some time now I am really sorry to see him leave. Hoping he comes back. I will most definitely miss him.
Oh no! I love Crowley. So sorry to see him go. Best of luck to Mark. You will be missed.
I will definitely miss Mark Sheppard, his presence as Crowley was a great character on the show. Hopefully he comes back with the birth of Lucifers baby, that would put the screws to Lucifer. If not good luck to you Mark Sheppard and your future endeavors.
I love the show supernatural!! I live Crowley and will truly hate seeing him leave the show, but I know that someone just as interesting will take the place. Everytime someone dies off someone just as interesting or more so shows up!! Just as long as we still have Dean and Sam with all their problems!! THE SHOW MUST GO ON!!!! LOVE IT
Please tell me you’re joking?? Mark Sheppard does a FABULOUS job on the show. He is the guy everyone loves to hate & love. He is absolutely GREAT at his job!! Supernatural, you have the worst habit of killing off key players of the show, ( BOBBY , RUFUS, & CASTIELLE ). WORST MISTAKE EVER!!! This will probably be your last season because of your f##k ups!!! RIP to Supernatural……
Will miss Crowley’s humor…Castiel will return-count on it
Castiel Dead and Crowley leaving ?? That means there are only a hand full of actors to try to keep Supernatural going but all I can see now is CANCELLED !!!!!!!!! I hope not for I have been watching from the very first show !!!!!!!!!!
NO, he is the best and only Crowley, one of my favorite characters!!! I hope you can find another actor to play this character, gonna be hard to live up to Mark Shepperd…..
Knowing this, makesme even more mad about Castiel pointless “death”, cause it totally overshadow Crowley’s sacrifice!!
Nooooooo why!!!!!!!! It won’t be the same without the King Hell I’m very disappointed won’t be the same without you Mark Shepard. BALLS!!!!!!!
I think it sucks! Live Crowley it won’t be the same without him
I am heart broken about Mark Shepard leaving the show. Will I see him in any new movies or tv series ? I watch reruns of Leverage just to see him. Mark is so versatile in characters he can play just about any type of role available. I pray his personal life is going well and has not sick in any way. I really enjoy his voice as well as his looks. Perhaps he can get a steady role in the tv series Gotham. I adore you Mr. Mark Shepard. Best wishes in everything you do now and in the… Read more »
He is one of the main reasons I love supernatural !! Why would he leave ?!!! Crowley King of hell is a top priority for this show !!
SO VERY SAD!! Crowley is such a huge part of SPN. PLZ MARK DONT LEAVE.
Bummer news. Mark has been the epitome of ‘devildom’…and will be missed. That is, of course, if he is really going to be ‘gone’! Didn’t we see his character get obliterated? Well, then what’s the chances of him getting put back together then….as equally twisted as he has been? Just sayin’