(Photo: AMC+)
Ten Percent will not be returning for a second season. The British comedy series, called Call My Agent in the UK, aired on AMC+ and Sundance Now in the US. The series is a remake of Dix Pour Cent (“Ten Percent”), a French comedy that aired for four seasons.
Jack Davenport, Lydia Leonard, Prasanna Puwanarajah, and Maggie Steed star in the series, which is set in a London talent agency as it tries to adapt to an ever-changing industry. The first season was released in 2022 and features cameo appearances from Helena Bonham Carter, Dominic West, and David Harewood.
The UK adaptation was a co-production between Amazon Studios, Bron Studios, and Headline Pictures. It was crafted and written by showrunner John Morton.
Variety said the following about the show’s cancellation:
Despite a positive reception, numerous set backs — including the departure of Amazon Studios Europe boss Georgia Brown a few months after the show’s launch, the great streamer reset over the past year and the collapse of Bron Studios last month — meant a second season didn’t have a chance to get off the ground.
What do you think? Have you watched Ten Percent? Did you want to see more of this British comedy series?
Si me quedè con ganas de ver más temporadas de la serie inglesa
Totally worthy of a number of seasons. Can’t believe another production house didn’t pick this up
I know this is too little, too late, but this show is worthy of more seasons.
Ten Percent needs a fairy godmother (or an investment angel) to bring it back to life.
It would be worth it, just promote it better.
We thoroughly enjoyed this series when first released and are currently appreciating it for a second time. Great script and excellent cast. How can such a refreshingly high quality comedy series not continue? Very poor decision makers!
Absolutely ridiculous to have not been picked up by another outfit! Feel like starting a petition
Really fun show, please bring it back.
Oh no! Really enjoyed this series!
A compulsive view, with an excellent cast. British comedy / drama at its best. How can there not be a second series? Hope the powers that be have a rethink.
What a gem. I love this series, the characters and storylines. Binge watched the whole series. Can’t believe there’s no more. Please do another!
This was a great show, exciting character development and story lines that kept you binge watching. Can’t believe it’s not continuing. Very sad
I thoght they took a good shot at matching the original version, but they did fall short–no Paris, no French, no je ne sais quoi (?). Nice try, no cigar.
How Disappointing! Ten Percent was my favorite series last year … A Great Cast, excellent dialogue and inventive plot
I agree