Tonight, the Thunderman family members officially turned in their tights. The Nickelodeon TV show ran for four seasons and 103 episodes. While there are plenty of episodes of The Thundermans to watch in reruns, would you like to see the superhero clan return someday for a new adventure?
Created by Jed Spingman, The Thundermans TV show revolves around a superpowered family who are trying to live a normal life in the town of Hiddenville. Retired heroes Hank and Barb do their best not to use their abilities but they aren’t very successful. While teens Phoebe and Max are twins, they (initially) have very different plans for their lives. Phoebe wants to be a superhero so she can use her powers for good but Max dreams of being the next big supervillain. Younger siblings Nora, Billy, and Chloe also plan to use their abilities for good and, eventually, Max follows suit. The show stars Kira Kosarin, Jack Griffo, Addison Riecke, Diego Velazquez, Chris Tallman, Rosa Blasi, and Maya Le Clark.
While viewers got to watch the last episodes of The Thundermans tonight (Nickelodeondecided to air several episodes in a mini-marathon), the cast and crew said goodbye to the series nearly a year ago. On July 28, 2017, the cable channel confirmed that production had wrapped on the fourth season and that that would be the end of the series as well. Fortunately, the decision to end the series was made in advance so that the writers could bring the series to a close.
Here’s some footage of the cast and crew saying their farewells to the show.
Though The Thundermans TV show ended tonight, there’s always a chance that Nickelodeon will want to reunite the family for a new adventure at some point in the future. It seems like reboots and revivals have never been more popular. Would that be a good idea?
What do you think? Would you like to see the Thunderman family reunion at some point? Or, do you think that this is where their story should end?
why did they have to stop i have watched the show like 200 times it is my favrort show one day i will meet them i hope and i fact i am watching it right now i like when phebe falls when she if trying to make a video for her swone show and when billy and hank and noarh get leches and when closo thows a fit when he cant go to his thing it is so funny
You guys are really great.
Wish it could go on and on.Watching the show really cools me down.Love u Jack Griffo
Please continue it
They should return and call it t force or thunderman force or something like that where every episode they go on a save. see stuffed animal lovers on youtube.
I love thundermans expecially jack griffo
Maybe you can continue it after all of this Covid and stuff please
Well we will miss u thunderman
Yes we will miss you very much
ik right
I am a big fan my dream is to become a nickelodeon actress
i wacthed the thundermans and i was so sad when it was over can you please make another season i really want to me the thundermans cast please make another season
Yeah the thundermans was amazing it was really good and since you brought it out some people are really sad about it
Please bring the Thundermans back is one of the greatest TV show in the whole
History of nickelodeon
Simply must come back – don’t understand why all these successful wonderful shows get cancelled
We want the Thundermans back please, it’s the show everyone of my friends loved, we used to switch alerts for it, and Watched it over and over but it’s so fun.
Yeah,same with me here.
I really enjoy watching the show.
Wish it could return
Pleeeeeeaaaase return thundermen, ive watched the show over and over and i really love you guys. add a 5th season about the t force pls goodbye and love you.
you could just call out rosa adison kira jack diago and i think chris call it the t force