(Sonja Flemming / CBS)
What’s in store for Big Brother and Love Island? Recently, CBS boss Kelly Kahl spoke with Deadline about the future of the reality TV shows.
Hosted by Julie Chen Moonves, Big Brother is one of CBS’ longest-running reality series. The show’s 22nd season is slated to debut this year. Meanwhile, Love Island debuted its first season last summer.
Both Big Brother and Love Island have had production delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic. However, CBS boss Kelly Kahl says the network is optimistic new seasons will air this summer:
With Love Island and Big Brother, we still hope to have on the air this summer, it could be a little later than usual but we’re still optimistic about getting those on. Those shows turn around pretty quickly, Big Brother has live shows every week and Love Island literally airs the night after it shoots, those shows do not have long post processes.”
What do you think? Do you watch Love Island and/or Big Brother? Are you looking forward to new seasons?
Summer just isn’t summer without the Big brother house 🙁
Isn’t anyone with a mind getting tired of these stupid reality shows? That’s why all the good shows get cancelled – the 18-49-year-old range doesn’t know diddly you know what about good TV.
I love Big Brother and Celebrity Big Brother as well!! I can’t wait please air soon!!
Please please please put Big Brother on…..it is my summer guilty pleasure. I have watched since season 1 and can’t imagine a summer without BB. Please find a way for all of us fans! THANK YOU!
That is GREAT NEWS !! it aint summer unless there is BIG BROTHER on heck yeh, i have watched every single season RIDE OR DIE!
Dying to see both these shows. They are so entertaining! I hope they air soon!
I hope you cancel these 2 show’s. They are by far two of the stupidest show’s I’ve ever seen. Can’t believe people like this stuff.
Yes can’t wait for BB.
Just awful…. both of them….