(Photo: Rafy Winterfeld/Boat Rocker/MGM+)
Our time in the far reaches of space is over. MGM+ has cancelled the Beacon 23 series, so there won’t be a third season. The second season’s eight episodes finished airing on May 26th.
A science-fiction mystery thriller series, the Beacon 23 TV show stars Lena Headey and Stephan James, with Stephan James, Natasha Mumba, and Ellen Wong. The story is set in the 23rd Century and takes place in the farthest reaches of the Milky Way, in a remote “lighthouse.” Aster Calyx (Headey) is a government agent, while Halan Kai Nelson (James) is a stoic ex-military man. Their fates become entangled after they find themselves trapped together inside one of many Beacons that serve as a lighthouse for intergalactic travelers. Every Beacon is run by one highly trained human and a specialized Artificial Intelligence. Aster mysteriously finds her way to the lonely Beacon-keeper Halan, and a tense battle of wills unfolds. In season two, Beacon 23 is now little more than a prison with Aleph onboard, and The Artifact provides more questions than answers. Without a clear path forward, the inhabitants of Beacon 23 must rely on each other, but their conflicting agendas may get in the way.
The drama launched in November 2023 and was officially renewed for a second season in December. The series was initially renewed for a second season when it was set to air on Spectrum Originals, but the streaming service shut down before the series aired. MGM+ picked up the sci-fi series in September 2023.
A reason for the cancellation was not revealed. MGM+ isn’t part of the Nielsen system, but it’s safe to say the viewer numbers for season two weren’t high enough for MGM+ to want a third round.
What do you think? Have you enjoyed watching the Beacon 23 TV series? Are you disappointed that it hasn’t been renewed for a third season?
Really would appreciate and enjoy a 3rd season
I kinda got into this show but spent most of the 2nd season waiting for how they were going to bring Lena Heady’s character back into the story. The show runners made a unforgivable mistake by devoting the entire penultimate episode of season 2 to some entirely random flashback that had no hope of ever being resolved along with everything else- almost as bad as getting that Canadian actress to Try and attempt Headey’s Yorkshire accent
I kinda got into this show but spent most of the 2nd season waiting for how they were going to bring Lena Heady’s character back into the story. The show runners made a unforgivable mistake by devoting the entire penultimate episode of season 2 to some entirely random flashback that had no hope of ever being resolved along with everything else- almost as bad as getting that Canadian actress to Try and attempt Headey’s Yorkshire accent
Amazing show. I truly enjoyed every episode when streamed in a dark room at late evenings 🙂 Sniff.. 🙁 I hope this fine cast returns in good projects & wish them the best 🙂
Absolutely understand why it had low ratings. Too complex for most people. However, if you like that sort of thing (and I do) it is wonderful to watch. Really upset that S03 did not eventuate.
I ended up really liking this show a lot by the time I’d watched the first couple episodes of season 1. Really liked season 2 as well. Couldn’t wait to see what was next on a season 3, as we were left hanging, nothing really truly resolved. That’s the part that really sucks. No closure, no ending, just left hanging there. I HATE when it’s decided to just end a show when nothing has been resolved. What a shame this one didn’t make it. I know it’s not everyone’s “cup of tea,” but I know there were many of us… Read more »
This was a very entertaining show….headey….always looked forward to the next episode
Terrible decision to write out Lena Headey for season 2. She was the best thing about the show.
Maybe ratings went down cause of it.. I don’t know & i haven’t looked even to S01 ratings. I hope that this finds new home in other platform & Lena returns to S03 🙂 I’ll use #RenewBeacon23 at wicked wide web.
That is a real shame. Beacon 23 was intriguing enough to keep your interest. And was certainly goed enough to get a 3 season to end it better than than the season 2 ending did.
Then again, I like SciF far more than other types of series. Beacon 23 isn’t your standard run-off-the-mill series that just happens in space. So I’m truly sorry to see this series go the cancellation pile.