(ABC/Eric McCandless)
A comedy-drama, The Rookie stars Nathan Fillion, Alyssa Diaz, Richard T. Jones, Titus Makin, Mercedes Mason, Melissa O’Neil, Afton Williamson, and Eric Winter. The story centers on John Nolan (Fillion), a small-town guy who, after a life-changing experience, decides to pursue his dream of being an LAPD officer. Now he’s the oldest rookie on the force, and the brass thinks he’s just having a midlife crisis. He’s got to keep up with his younger co-workers (not to mention young criminals) or he’ll risk lives. Maybe though, he can use the experience he’s gained with age, and the determination he has developed over the years, to make a real go of it. Either way, he’s got a secret weapon — his sense of humor.
Airing on Tuesday nights, the first season of The Rookie averaged a 0.73 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 4.17 million viewers.
Out of the 21 scripted ABC TV shows of the 2018-19 season, The Rookie is in 14th place in the demo and ninth place in total viewership.
What do you think? Do you enjoy the The Rookie TV show? Will you watch season two of this ABC series?
Fantastic show! Very well done. Please don’t cancel!
Yes! We love this show! It is out favourite out of everything on TV!!!
I thinkk it’s really solid show Nathan is good and excellent cast
Yes!! This is our favourite show on TV!! We are so happy it has been renewed!!
Yes, Yes, Yes! My husband and I really enjoy this quality program. The actors each do a great job in developing their character.
Absolutely LOVE the Rookie. Very happy that it was renewed. Actors are super and I love them all. Keep it goimg.
Yes, Yes, Yes! My husband and I really enjoy this quality program Each of the actors do a great job in developing their character.
I will watch season 2
I feel The Rookie found its stride in the last half of the first season. Nathan F. was my hook but I’ve come to care about the other characters; Tim, the Sargent and Chen are terrific.
I am so happy that The Rookie is coming back for a second season! Nathan Fillion is a fantastic actor and not so bad on thee eyes either
Congrats to the whole team of The Rookie — can’t wait to see what y’all have next for us!
Yes I will most definitely watch every new episode of The Rookie!! I am thrilled it has been renewed!
I am delighted to learn that THE ROOKIE has been renewed. I have watched each episode, and shall continue to do so. Thank you
YAY – so pleased to read THE ROOKIE will be returning for a second season. Season One’s Finale episode was a real cliffhanger. Many thanks, ABC.
Wish they would advertise this show more. Has humor and drama. Nathan Fillon is charming but believable in the roll. Really love the show.
Whew! I was really sweating this one out. Glad it was renewed.
I was totally sweating this one out! I am so glad they renewed it… I don’t think that I have ever kept checking back to see if ANY show was renewed before THE ROOKIE … So glad it’s coming back!
I think it is an amazing show—the story lines, drama, humour , acting and most of all the action/special effects. I love the show! So happy to see it renewed. Years ago I lost my favourite show The Glades with a very devastating ending and it was not renewed. Didn’t watch A&E for two years I was so upset. Glad The Rookie will be around for another season