The eighth season of The Haves and the Have Nots just kicked off on OWN this week. While the series hasn’t been cancelled, it seems like the Tyler Perry drama is coming to an end in 2021 and won’t have a ninth season.
Airing on Tuesday nights, The Haves and the Have Nots stars John Schneider, Tika Sumpter, Angela Robinson, Renee Lawless, Crystal Fox, Peter Parros, Tyler Lepley, Gavin Houston, and Aaron O’Connell. The drama centers on the complicated dynamic between the Cryer, Harrington, and Young families of Savannah, Georgia. In season eight of this drama series, Judge Cryer (Schneider) and his rich friends are all finding out what happens when personal flaws go unchecked. Karma has not been kind to the elite one-percenters.
The eighth season of The Haves and the Have Nots currently averages a 0.10 rating in the 18-49 demographic and 873,000 viewers. Compared to season seven, that’s down by 60% in the demo and down by 34% in viewership. The series was once the cable channel’s highest-rated show but the premiere’s numbers put it much closer to the bottom of the list. Is it time for the show to end?
New York Post recently ran a profile about Robinson under the title “Haves and Have Nots star breaks down its final season”. The article goes on to confirms that the series is ending by noting “It kicks off its final season Tuesday at 8 p.m. on the cable network.” and “Robinson tells fans to expect the final season of The Haves and Have Nots to be an emotional rollercoaster.”
But wait, hasn’t the cast already filmed a ninth season? Maybe not.
In 2019, Houston said that he was about to start filming the ninth season of the series. The season lengths for this series have been very inconsistent — ranging from nine to 44 episodes a season — so, OWN could have changed their plans about how the episodes would be grouped.
OWN has been quiet about the show’s immediate future. However, Perry’s other shows on the channel have already ended. In 2017, Perry signed a deal to produce 90 episodes of television each year for ViacomCBS outlets (including BET and BET+) so that’s been keeping him very busy.
It’s unclear how many episodes in season eight but hopefully, The Haves and the Have Nots will have a satisfying conclusion.
What do you think? Do you enjoy The Haves and the Have Nots TV show? Are you sorry to hear that there won’t be a ninth season?
Please don’t stop!!!! This is one of the best shows on tv. I’m old and I have no use for “reality show” that are no way reality for normal people. There are only two shows I watch every week and this is one.Come on Mr Perry, first Madea and now this !!!!!
Fan of the show, however, recently All of the scenes are too dark, except for some daytime scenes. How does anyone expect us to see what is happening if we can not see it? Some lights can lighten up the set. Tyler, you can do much better than that. You will lose viewers with this foolishness. I enjoy the show but lately, I have moved on to something else because the scenes are too dark. Trust me, if you bring dime light into the scenes you will see a difference in the viewers. On the ” Oval” the scenes are… Read more »
I love it. I never new about this snow to I found it on Netflix. I think it’s great and should continue on Netflix.
I watched it on YouTube until I found it on Netflix. I lost my OWN network because I could not afford cable anymore. Come on Mr Perry, dont cancel the show. We need something good with suspense, revenge, and justice to watch through this pandemic.
I love the have & have nots wish Mr. Perry wouldn’t in the show on own channel.
I’m sorry to hear that the show is ending. I would like it to last longer…
Why did you change the time? I think since you change time more people are missing the show and has to record it.
I love the have and have nots. I hate that it is ending l hope it will have a good ending
Yes, I’m disappointed that the show is ending
I truly hope not, it is a good show Mr. Perry has done an excellent job with The Haves and the Have Nots .
A true fan since day one.
It became hard to keep up with when the show was on. The story lines are all over the place and has gotten very slow. Its written more as a daytime soap, that airs daily. The pacing is way too slow.
The reason viewer rating down 34% is not due to the Series! You lost alot of viewers when switched to OWN because there are dedicated viewers that can only access the show on HULU…..when series ends on OWN can you switch back to HULU so we can watch the remainder of the Series 7 and 8…..Thanks!!!!
Hope There Is A Season 9. I Would Be Disappointed But That’s The Way It Goes In Show Business. I’ve Enjoyed The Show Throughly
It is the best drama show ever. All my children was the best ever back in my days. Tyler Perry has beaten it hands down new school. I love the Have n the have knots. I used to rush home from work just to see it. I would be on the phone with my coworker back an fourth on commercials. I used to be so excited watching it and I still am. Please dont end this show.
Yes, I will be disappointed to see The HAve and HAve Not end. I have enjoyed the show and look forward to seeing it every week.
Well, it’s probably time to end it now, anyway
Eight seasons is a DAMN good run
Hopefully, Jim and DEFINITELY Veronica will get their final comeuppance
I love the Haves and the Have Nots and I do not want to see them end the show me and my family and friends can’t wait Each week for Tuesday’s to come to watch it please do a season 9 we love it
Would miss this bunch. I have loved every decadent show.
Even though I have had fun watching the haves and have nots, it’s time for an end , getting way too crazy
I agree! This last season was all over the place. My husband and I wondered when it would end. The storyline was way different and getting crazier every episode.