UNUSED (Erik Voake / FOX)
What’s in store for the new season of Lucifer? Recently, the showunners spoke with TVLine about their plans for season four of the Netflix TV show.
As reported earlier, Netflix has picked up the comedy-drama after FOX cancelled it. The cast includes Tom Ellis, Lauren German, DB Woodside, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Kevin Alejandro, Rachael Harris, Aimee Garcia, Tricia Helfer, Scarlett Estevez, and Tom Welling.
In the interview, co-showrunner Joe Henderson revealed season four of Lucifer will take advantage of Netflix’s lax censorship rules:
Our blood can be a little more real, our horror can be a little more horror-y. It will all stay within the language of the show, but we’re definitely going to embrace the little things like that that I think make a big difference.”
What do you think? Are you a fan of Lucifer? Are you excited for the new season on Netflix?
I love Lccifer have been watching since day one and I’m happy the cast is intact
Yeeey, lovely news! Can’t wait to watch season 4 Lucifer !!!
My husband and I LOVE the show. Thank you Netflix for picking up season 4!
Awesome! I am so ecstatic Lucifer will continue with Season 4 on Netflix! This is a great show with an awesome cast! Thank you Netflix!!!
Awesome!!! I am absolutely ecstatic the show has been picked up by Netflix and not cancelled. This is a great show with an awesome cast! Can’t wait to watch the new season! Thank you Netflix!!! : )
I was saddened to hear that Lucifer was canceled. My wife and I are great fans of the show. Unfortunately, we cannot afford Netflix and so will not be able to follow our favorite Devil anymore. This really hurts us as we were looking forward to seeing how Chloe handled the revelation. If Netflix didn’t cost, but was on like CBS, NBC or the others, then we would certainly watch it. But with it costing and we only receive Social Security (which is neither Social NOR Secure), we can’t afford to get Netflix and watch the show. Please Netflix, make… Read more »
I love this Lucifer and really hope that we see Chloe and Lucifer get together in season 4. This show has it all
I’m so happy for season4!!! Thank you Netflix!!
I’m from Italy and hope to see and rewatch all 4 seasons on Netflix!!!
For me it sucks cuz now I don’t get to see it anymore
Thank you Netflix for saving TV series Lucifer. I love this show!
I am very excited about the new season of Lucifer with Netflix
Looking forward to the extra freedom !!!
I am sooooo relieved that Lucifer will be coming back!!! Thank-you, thank-you thank-you Netflix!!!
I’m so excited for Lucifer season 4 on Netflix. It’s should be so much more edgy without all the censorship.
Thank you Netflix for taking this funny, suspenseful, original and mesmerizing show for us die-hard fans. This is one of only 3 tv shows that I watch: Timeless and Shooter being the other two. Please post dates, times so I won’t miss a minute of this great show. THANK YOU!!! See you there!