Scorpion fans are already being teased about season three of the CBS series. Fans could see a musical episode next season. That was teased by members of the cast at WonderCon, according to Design and Trend.
Ari Stidham, the actor behind Sylvester Dodd, revealed that several members of the cast do have musical talent. That is not a surprise. Katharine McPhee was a part of American Idol season five, and she starred on NBC’s Smash.
Stidham said the following about the cast’s talents:
“[Robert Patrick] can sing, Elyes can sing, Kat is Kat, Eddie was in an early production of ‘Bright Star,’ Jadyn plays piano. We should have a band. It could work, who knows.”
Scorpion still has to wrap season two. CBS has already renewed Scorpion for a third season. Do you want a musical episode of Scorpion next season? Tell us what you think.
Love Scorpion. Have terminal case of McPheever!!! She is soooo GORGEOUS!! PLEASE have a musical episode…with Katherine melting my heart using those beautiful, sultry pipes. Did I mention I have a major crush on Katherine McPhee…??? Never mind I’m old enough to be her dad….just. Hey she married some dude whose pretty close to my age. …..
Anyway…. do not cancel Scorpion. Unfortunately, tho, the writing and cutting edge excitement of the show will never be able to keep going. Not enough good material….same reason my fave show “24” could nevet go on and on…..
My husband and I don’t see a lot of tv now a days because everything is swearing or showing kids not behaving or a lot of sexual content.. This is a show that we both truly enjoy.. A lot of real life stuff.. And having turn into a musical show would not be good either.. Maybe ending a show with them doing karaoke ok.. But not the whole show..
NO Musical, i will not watch
I am not sure about a musical it would be weird but funny
yeaaah, adding music into the new season wouldn’t be bad at all but that would definitely lessen the humor and exicitement of the movie…. right now I’m In suspense and I don’t wanna be cutted off just like that, Walter and Paige,Toby and Happy.
music or no music, let the season continue…….
This is why I live Ari Stidham so much. He has the greatest sense of humor.
A musical episode would be nice…but don’t let it take away from the excitement and suspense of the show….as for Paige and Walter as much as i want to see them together and i really do…i think the dynamic of having them also have outside interests is also cool…watching them fight their feelings for each other when there are other persons in the way…i want them together desperately but i don’t want the dynamic that they have working right now to sizzle and die if they do get together…you know sometimes when we want things that badly and we finally… Read more »
This is the only TV Show I am addicted to. Please do not cancel the show. Musical or not, I don’t care just continue the show. Pretty please…
And I want to see more of #QuinTis moments.
I would like to see a follow up show about paige and walter. There should also be about why happy can’t marry Toby and who she is married to
Please do not cancel this show! It is the only TV show i am faithfully viewing. I do not miss an episode. Please complete the pairing of Walter and Paige! Love – love this show!