The Talk is losing another member of its panel ahead of season 11. Marie Osmond is leaving the CBS daytime talk show after just one season. The singer/presenter joined the panel last season to replace Sara Gilbert.
Osmond explained why she is leaving The Talk on CBS and what is next for her.
“One of the highlights of my year at The Talk was working with my dear friend John Redmann, and I’m excited to continue our working relationship on several projects we are developing. Also, my husband and I just dropped our last two kids off at college, we looked at each other, laughed and remembered we hadn’t been this alone together since 1982!! So, at this stage of my life, I’m looking forward to spending more time with him and visiting all the kids/grandkids.”
The Talk’s longtime executive producer and showrunner John Redmann previously left after the 10 seasons. Osmond is working on a new series with ViacomCBS and plans to work with Redmann on the new project.
Eve, Carrie Ann Inaba, Sharon Osbourne, and Sheryl Underwood will host The Talk on their own until a fifth person is added to the panel. A new showrunner will also be named.
What do you think? Are you surprised that Marie Osmond has left The Talk? Who would you want to see on the panel?
No I am not surprised Marie is leaving. As much as I like her I never thought she was the right person to bring aboard. Wish her all the best in her new adventures.
I’m glad she’s leaving… she way too nice & talented to be on a show with such horrible people!
I wonder if she is leaving cause people didn’t cate for her on the panel.
She new when her children would be leaving for school and most are doing it online now. I just hope we dont lose the 4 that is there now it was a hard blow when Sara left.
Who cares….really……is it so important which multi millionaires stay or leave a tv show?
Come on people…we have far too many more problems in this world to be concerned about!
She should stay others should leave
Marie has way more talent and personality than being on the Talk. I started watching it because of her but quit after too many times they just shut her out with everyone talking at the same time. Glad she is moving on. Can’t wait to see what’s in store !
No I am not surprised. You could tell she was uncomfortable. I I like all the ladies on the show, but I think Marie was not really a good fit with that group.
I am very sorry to see Marie leave the show. I like the humor & daily things happening with her family. I read a while back that Sharon Osborne didn’t care much for Marie & once I was made aware of it, it became more obvious. I look forward to the whole “gang” being back together.
I’m sorry to see her leave but if it’s happening, why not fill her slot with “an average woman” who isn’t a celebrity in Any capacity? Most of your audience are every day people and I’d bet they would like to hear the average person’s opinions as well as the celebrities. Just an idea.
You know, this would be a good idea. But instead of the same person all the time, bring a different person on each week so you really get different points of view.
I watched once in a while when Julie Chen was on the show, but not since. Sharon Osbourne always struck me as kind of phony and full of herself. When I switch around on channels, it’s interesting to see changes at their table.
I think that Marie Osmond is far too good for that show and Marie does not think like the topics that are brought up on that show .I am shocked at the subjects that seem to surface on that show I am not saying that I think that Marie is like perfect we none of us are However when Donny and Marie had their daytime talk show they kept it clean and quite a delightful show it was and tabu subjects were not discussed and that is a lesson that the Talk has yet to learn and after Marie Osmond… Read more »
I don’t think she really ever fit in. I wish they would also get rid of Sheryl. Every topic turns into a sexual comment from her and it is sickening. I quit watching before they quit for the season because of Sheryl.
Come on sherly is AWESOME she is funny..
You are. Over 18 right?
I was absolutely shocked when I heard that news and I’m surprised Sam, Jeff & Al didn’t talk about that on Daily Blast Live! I wish all the best luck for her and I’d be surprised if Sara Gilbert returned to her show after she left last year! Maybe Bridgette Nielsen because she’s been co-hosting a lot this year and I liked her good points on a few topics when I’ve been watching her so I’d be surprised if they picked her or Sara Gilbert! Remember, it’s always the right time to have THE TALK, it’s YOU who keeps THE… Read more »
Maybe Sara Gilbert will return. I really miss her insights and intelligence.
Carnie Wilson would be perfect
Yes, I agree.
I stopped watching The Talk when they went political! It use to be nice to watch a show where you could get away from politics for awhile. Also stopped watching when Sharon put down Marie. Her body language showed she was not fond of her probably because Marie is not a phony like Sharon.