A Netflix dramedy, The Kominsky Method stars Michael Douglas and Alan Arkin with Nancy Travis, Sarah Baker, and Susan Sullivan. Season one guest stars include Lisa Edelstein, Emily Osment, Graham Rogers, Danny Devito, Ann-Margret, Jay Leno, Patti LaBelle, and Ashleigh LaThorpe. A former star, Sandy Kominsky (Douglas) is now a respected acting coach. Impeccably dressed, Norman Newlander (Arkin) is his best friend and longtime agent. Sandy and Norman keep each other laughing as they navigate the ups and downs of getting older in Los Angeles, a city that worships youth and beauty.
What do you think? Which season one episodes of The Kominsky Method TV series do you rate as wonderful, terrible, or somewhere between? Should Netflix cancel or renew The Kominsky Method for a second season? Don’t forget to vote, and share your thoughts, below.
1/17/19 update: Netflix has renewed The Kominsky Method for a second season.
Excellent show. Great writing, superb casting. Please keep it going.
this show is brilliant…don’t dare cancel
Great show. Hope there will be many more seasons.
Love The Kominsky Method. Brilliant, just brilliant.
This show is terrific. Don’t you dare cancel it.
the show is inbeleivably terrific. don’t you dare cancel it
Made us laugh out loud. Enjoyed all 8 episodes. Hope there are more.
Honest and funny and well written and well acted. I hope this show gets renewed.
I loved this show.Many probably didn’t because it is uncomfortable to show these elderly themes.However it is honest,funny and beautifully acted.Arkin and Douglas are a dream team!Hope to see more?
First class, brilliant characterisation, sharp, thoughtful script.
Series 2 ASAP please.
Absolutely the best show since Mad Men went off the air~No, I stand corrected, Best show I have watched in many,many years! Love the whole cast and want MORE~Please RENEW
Love this show! Don’t cancel!
finally a show with heart, humour, meaning and authentic actors
It is a keeper
Please renew for season 2
Don’t get to see Douglas and Arkin enough. I really enjoyed these episodes. Hope it gets renewed. Love Arkin’s humor.