(Erik Voake / FOX)
EPs Joe Henderson and Ildy Modrovich, co-showrunners of the cancelled Lucifer TV show on FOX, want to give the devil his due, and the fans are with them. The duo already has plans sketched out for Lucifer season four. They are teasing them out — but just enough so that they won’t spoil the audience, if some guardian angel steps in to save Lucifer for a fourth season.
A FOX fantasy procedural, Lucifer stars Tom Ellis, Lauren German, DB Woodside, Lesley-Ann Brandt, Kevin Alejandro, Rachael Harris, Aimee Garcia, Tricia Helfer, Scarlett Estevez, and Tom Welling. The mystery comedy-drama centers on Lucifer Morningstar (Ellis) who abandoned his throne, retired to Los Angeles, opened up a nightclub, and started helping LAPD Detective Chloe Decker (German) crack cases.
Lucifer Season Four SPOILERS
DEADLINE: What did you have planned for season 4?
HENDERSON: As you saw in the finale, Chloe saw Lucifer’s devil face. Finally, proof that Lucifer really is who he said he was. No turning back. Chloe knows the truth.
So that was the big thrust of season 4 – exploring Chloe dealing with those ramifications, and how it affected her relationship with Lucifer. Both professionally and personally. Can you work with the Devil? Can you LOVE the devil?
MODROVICH: And we also had an exciting character from Lucifer’s past who was going to come in and mix everything up. A very personal, intimate figure who we won’t reveal the identity of yet… until we find out if we get the chance to tell the tale on a new network.
What do you think of Henderson and Modrovich’s plans for a fourth season of their Lucifer TV series? Would you tune in? Where do you hope Lucifer lands? Sound off, in the comments.
so disappointed of the show being cancelled
i simply love the series
I love watching this show. I hope it gets picked-up by another network. I’ve been watching it on HULU, which is the best! I love the theme that even the devil can be redeemed–or as developed more in this last season–we damn ourselves. I’m hoping it will continue, and that they’ll develop the Lucifer-Chloe relationship, maybe jumping off with a compromise as occurred with Pluto and Persephone.
Great show I loved watching it every week- this is why I don’t like the Fox network ,they cancel good shows
I have watched this show from the beginning. I would like a 4th season. It used to have more levity. If they bring it back, please have the writers put more fun in it.
Season 4,5,6,7,8,9,…….needed. Especially now that Chloe has finally ‘seen’ Lucifer devil face. Now God is testing her feelings for Lucifer,,,,, time for her to learn and reveal her inner self. Not to mention the trials and journeys these two undertake to nurcher and protect their feelings for one another.
Definite bring Lucifer back for Season 4, no matter what network I will it.
It’s too good to let it hang there, so many stories to tell.
Please bring back!!! Awesome show and not fair leaving us hanging. We have been waiting for so long for the big reveal.
Please, AMC.
Think about it:
TWD, FTWD, Preacher, Lucifer, NOS4A2.
Let’s make a deal. Father Frank approves.
YES! Bring on season 4! I can’t believe those idiots at FOX canceled this show. smh… this last season was the best ever. Apparently only watches between the age of 19-49 count in statistics. The rest of us are chopped liver. :/ wonderful show with good stories.. great actors….AND PLEASE! SOMEONE give this show a home!
#savelucifer. This was such a great show idea, exploring how the devil may not be as evil as thought. The characters are great and the show is so fun. I sincerely hope this gets picked up elsewhere… I mean we have to know what happens after Chloe finally accepts that Lucifer has been telling her the truth all along!
Great show, wonderful characters and actors. I hope that someone brings this show back especially with the ending in the final episode.
I can’t state strongly enough at my dismay that this series was cut down way before it’s time. There were endless possibilities in plot, character development, and character introduction. The cast seemed to work well together.I truly always appreciated Tom Ellis going back to his playing the love interest in Miranda. I am heartened to hear that Tom feels strongly about this series. Perhaps SyFy is a network possibility? #savelucifer
This series has made waiting for a heart transplant less painful.
NOOOO. SAY IT ISNT SO!!!’ Just learned that Lucifer was cancelled. What the heyy… so not fair. Yet Another One of my favorite shows cancelled… What do we get to see next, let me guess.. another lame a$$ reality show. Give me a break!! If I wanted to watch people drink & falling down drunk I’d spend that “quality” time with the in laws I’ve been accidentally on purpose missing out on. Lol. Why can’t we actually get to watch something fun for a change. Lucifer was witty and fun to watch. Who doesn’t love to watch bad guy turned… Read more »
Common’ CW… PLEEAASSEEEE pick up Lucifer! One of the BEST shows on TV!
Please don’t cancel. It’s my husband ANF I favorite show to watch together. #saveLuciferplease