Magnum PI has a new leading lady. Deadline reports Perdita Weeks has been cast in CBS’ upcoming reboot pilot.
The original Magnum PI starred Tom Selleck as Thomas Magnum, a private investigator who lives in Hawaii. The cast also included John Hillerman, Roger E. Mosley, and Larry Manetti. The show ran on CBS from 1980 to 1988.
CBS’ Magnum PI reboot will star Jay Hernandez as “Thomas Magnum, a decorated ex-Navy SEAL who, upon returning home from Afghanistan, repurposes his military skills to become a private investigator.”
Weeks has been cast as Juliet Higgins, “the “majordomo” (i.e., property manager) for the large Hawaiian estate of writer Robin Masters, for whom Magnum ostensibly works security and lives in his guest house. She is commanding, confident, tough, uses sarcasm to deflect emotion and is hard to get to know — but it’s worth it in the end.”
What do you think? Are you a fan of the original Magnum PI? Would you watch the CBS reboot?
Will give it a try but expectations low. Like watching the HI scenery.
Can’t see this working, Thomas, T.C and Rick being Vietnam vets was integral to their characters, as was the culture clash and generation gap between Thomas and Higgins.
I doubt a 6’4″ Magnum PI will be replaced to easily by a 5’8″ actor. Higgins, who was as important to the success of the show as Magnum, will fail miserably – Trying to push a social agenda, unfortunately, over the appropriate casting will die a quick death I’m afraid
I can’t wait to see the new Magnum. I loved the old show but this could be fun. I can’t imagine ever replacing Tom Selleck but I will watch. I do like Tom Selleck in movies and TV . He is certainly not rated high enough in my opinion. Cross between Greg Peck and John Wayne.
You made a big mistake. In the trailer, you show T.C. as a staff sergeant and he was a helicopter pilot in the Marine Corp. ALL PILOTS IN THE CORP ARE OFFICERS.
Definitely would NOT watch..why change cast? So obvious they feel diversity is better than creativity and talent. Could have easily brought a cast together comprised of children-/relatives of original characters. This is also why many die hard NCIS viewers stopped watching that show.. They are doomed if Hollywood elitests continue to market to Cali and NY demographics … the rest of the country isnt stupid
Why do these new versions have to replace former male characters with females? I loved the old series with Tom Selleck, but won’t be tuning in to the new one.
Absolutely not. I idolize Tom Selleck.
Can’t imagine anyone else playing Magnum except for Tom Sellick. Watched to original series religiously. Because John Hillerman has passed, a woman just wouldn’t be the same. As far as Rick and T.C. are concerned, the show is too memorable to be rebooted with other actors. Bad idea. Should leave us with the reruns of the original cast and the fond memories.
PPPPPPPPPPPP U! Wont even give it a try! So they are creating a whole new show!?…. THAT WILL BOMB!
I loved the original and doubt if this new one will be as good but can’t imagine a woman playing the Higgins part. I will tune in to check it out but any of the reboots I have seen are not as good.
should have just left it alone,will not be as good as the original!!!
Higgins part should be played by a man. saw previews just awful!!!
new show will be ridiculous!!!
Really?! A woman playing Higgins? Why can’t CBS leave a good thing alone?
Can’t anyone come up with good clean action shows anymore?
CBS blew it by remaking Hawaii 5.0, why would they do it to Magnum? Leave classic shows alone and try coming up with an original idea. That’s what you get paid for! If CBS keeps this up, I’m going to boycott them!
I am very excited on this reboot, it is refreshing to see new actors replay roles of the old magnum series. You negative people must be Trump supporters.
So I’m a trump supporter because I think this looks like a garbage reboot? Last I checked, I’m not a trump supporter. Nice broad brushing. Is that your go to insult every time someone disagrees with you? Or do you enjoy making baseless claims with reckless abandon? BTW, reboots are not refreshing, new concepts and ideas are.
I despise DT; however, trying to replace a sexy hunk like Selleck with a short OK looking guy with no sex appeal is ridiculous.