(Photo: Bill Inoshita/©Sony Pictures Television/CBS)
SWAT is ending with its current seventh season on CBS, and viewers are already seeing some characters say goodbye before the final credits role. Alex Russell (above, right), who’s played Officer III Jim Street since the series began, appeared for the last time on one of Friday’s episodes. He revealed it would be the last time viewers see his character in posts on his Instagram account.
Starring Shemar Moore, Jay Harrington, David Lim, Patrick St. Esprit, Rochelle Aytes, and Anna Enger Ritch, the CBS series follows Sergeant Daniel “Hondo” Harrelson (Moore) as he leads the Los Angeles Police Department’s SWAT team.
Before the season began, it was revealed that Russell and Kenny Johnson were being demoted to recurring roles for season seven. Johnson plays Dominique Luca, and he is the next to depart SWAT.
Showrunner Andrew Dettmann said the following about the departures, per TV Line:
“Looking at [Season 7] being the final 13 [episodes], we wanted to give everybody their proper curtain call, so the episodes that we have for them are really focused on their characters and the evolution of their storylines.
I’m really excited about the episodes we have for [Luca and Street]. The idea for the final 13 was that, if this was the end for us, nobody feels like they were underserved. There are some really good episodes for Alex and Kenny, for Street and Luca.”
Check out Russell’s posts from Instagram below.
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What do you think? Do you enjoy watching the SWAT series? Were you happy with how Russell exited the CBS show?
It is a shame that one of the best shows on TV is leaving. I wonder if Netflix could pick up the show. The SWAT reruns on Netflix is very highly watched.
I know the show is ending but I hope they’re not killing off Luca. Let him have an HEA like the rest
S.W.A.T. is one of the better shows on TV. There’s plenty of others that could go instead.
CBS really need to save S.W.A.T! Such a great show!
I don’t know why they are canceling swat it is one of the best shows
They said something about licensing costs going up way too much.
Saw Street leave on Friday night in a S.W.A.T. double bill.