Photo: Barbara Nitke/2020 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
God Friended Me was recently cancelled by CBS, and now the cast is reacting to the move by the network. Brandon Michael Hall, Violett Beane and others on the cast spoke about the series ending on social media.
Per TV Line, Hall revealed the following about the cancellation of God Friended Me:
“There’s something to be said for an artist to be able to wake up every single day and work with a group of people who you can honestly call your family. The hardest thing is knowing I’m not going to be able to… work with them [every day].”
Check out the posts by Violette Beane about the CCBS series below.
What do you think? Were you upset by the cancellation of God Friended Me?
So sad and disappointed to hear God Friended Me has been cancelled. A show with hope, faith and inspiration. A real joy to have one choice of a wholesome show. Looked forward to every episode. Exasperated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So tired of all the other shows filled with nothing but murder, mystery with murder, cop shows filled with killing, hospital shows filled with tragedy, illness and death.
This was one of the best shows on tv…hands down…and all CBS wants to do is take it off the air…what’s wrong with this network..Once you get use to watching a good show they cancel it…. To the powers to be… I just want whomever to know they are making a MAJOR MISTAKE!!!!!!!! I know I speak for a lot of people out there…So please hear our VOICE…thanks
Very saddened by cancellation of the one show on CBS to enjoy. I can’t believe it. This also saddened other friends. Very creative format. Great actors. What possessed them?
That was one of my favorite shows and I watched it everytime it was on, if I couldn’t watched it I would DVR it. It was a very uplifting show. It showed us that no matter what was going on in the world. The show showed us that anything was possible, that is how the actors did. I will miss the show very much, because when I would be down, the show made me feel good again.
I am not happy. This was a show I looked forward to every week. I will miss it. Great cast. Great stories.
This was a show I enjoyed watching …. when it wasn’t delayed, postponed or preempted by football or some other sport, or whatever they had scheduled. I can’t tell you how many times I set my system to record the show only to have half of it not record because it didn’t start on the scheduled hour. I reset my recording time to accommodate for an additional half hour but then find GFM wasn’t shown at all. The stories, the actors were all very good but I finally deleted the program from my recording list because I could never rely… Read more »
Sad to see this show end, I really enjoyed it.
Yesss really disappointed!!! Why does good shows get cancelled?
Yes, I am upset. That was my favorite tv program.
I am very upset that God Friended Me is being cancelled. In this day & age of violence, this show brought a sense of peace & showed the good in the world that EVERYONE can learn from. Make sure it gets replaced with still another FBI show or gun packing show. Boos to you CBS
Cancel a good show and keep shows that should have been canceled many episodes ago. CBS must not like a show that promotes hope.
This is sad. This was a really good show?
Very disappointed this very good show canceled. Guess another silly comedy will,go,up in its place.
I’m so disappointed
with the cancellation of this show , I love the show and always look forward to watching it every Sunday evening I wish they could bring it back and not cancel
No worse yet….another stupid reality show.
YES I am very disappointed that God Friended Me was cancelled… it has been one of my favourite shows the past two years! The major problem was the constant delays due to the football games on Sunday afternoon IMO. I truly think that CBS has made a mistake and I would love it if NETFLIX could pick up this show! I would be happy to forget about ANY CBS show if another network picked it up! I hope that saner minds will prevail and this show will NOT be over after only two years!!
This was an excellent show. I looked forward to watching it every week. I hate that it has been cancelled. I hope this show will be back in the future. The cast and crew did an excellent job. You will be missed.