Photo: Barbara Nitke/2020 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
God Friended Me was recently cancelled by CBS, and now the cast is reacting to the move by the network. Brandon Michael Hall, Violett Beane and others on the cast spoke about the series ending on social media.
Per TV Line, Hall revealed the following about the cancellation of God Friended Me:
“There’s something to be said for an artist to be able to wake up every single day and work with a group of people who you can honestly call your family. The hardest thing is knowing I’m not going to be able to… work with them [every day].”
Check out the posts by Violette Beane about the CCBS series below.
What do you think? Were you upset by the cancellation of God Friended Me?
Why are u doing this to me?? This is one of my favorite shows. It makes me feel so good to watch it . why take a show with a beautiful meaning and plot off the air. Looked forward every week a new episode. We need a show like this in this day and time!!!! Why would do this ??? Breaking my heart.
I can’t believe you are cancelling God Friended me. Even with a bad time slot I looked forward to watching a good wholesome show each Sunday! So disappointed in you CBS!! What are you replacing it with another sleazy show or maybe more reality TV?? So annoying!!
Why cancel programs that people can relate to and get some hope from and replace them with junk that no way watches?
I’m pissed off you canceled such a good show very wholesome and very unique with some pretty good actors
I am so disappointed in the cancellation of God Friended Me. I love this show and all the characters and look forward to each episode. Network television is so boring and predictable, violent cop/detective shows, 30 minute sitcoms with all the sexual innuendos and brainless “reality” shows. We finally had an interesting and uplifting story line to follow. I’m tired of all the trashy shows we are bombarded with.
I looked forward to the show every Sunday night. What exactly is wrong with people at CBS. You will take a good show off but leave sub programming on.
I loved this show. I always looked forward to seeing it. It was the only show I made plans to see. I’m disappointed in CBS. You’ll find me on MSNBC or CNN.
Was a real surprise that God Friended Me was cancelled. It is a great show, very uplifting and makes you feel good. Seems like all the good shows get cancelled and replaced with very boring sitcoms.
PLEASE DON’T CANCEL THE SHOW….it is such an inspiration to us… and is one of not many shows that have a good lesson to be teaching our young the way to act and become…..there are many great life lessons to be taught….you need to keep on…..the show will do that….so please don’t cancel the show……….
I am very upset. I love that show!!!!
I was extremely upset and disappointed that a show that was so uplifting in these hard times was cancelled. My entire household counted the days until it was finally Sunday and we could watch the next episode with all it’s wonderful twists and turns.
Is there any way save this amazing show? There are very few shows that leave you with a warm, positive feeling and always a smile.
Thank you for your consideration of this request!
Sally Aldrich
We really enjoyed interesting, intellegnt shows on God Friended Me. Frankly we can’t stand and won’t watch adolescent romance shows. Please bring it back, or something equal. Please.
I am Completely shocked and utterly disappointed at the poor judgment of this network to cancel the most feel good show on the air at this time. The stories are always compelling and the actors are phenomenal!
So sad
This is one of the shows that I really looked forward to each week. Must be it didn’t have enough sex and violence to keep people watching. So CBS bring on another reality show that follows some scripted foolishness or a sitcom that every other line has some sexual reference. Really sad about this cancellation and shame on CBS for taking a Good Family show off…
This show was a GREAT show and every day my family and will watch it. Overall CBS made a BIG mistake especially during this COVID-19 and what society really needed right now. This show will be missed.