Photo: Barbara Nitke/2020 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved.
God Friended Me was recently cancelled by CBS, and now the cast is reacting to the move by the network. Brandon Michael Hall, Violett Beane and others on the cast spoke about the series ending on social media.
Per TV Line, Hall revealed the following about the cancellation of God Friended Me:
“There’s something to be said for an artist to be able to wake up every single day and work with a group of people who you can honestly call your family. The hardest thing is knowing I’m not going to be able to… work with them [every day].”
Check out the posts by Violette Beane about the CCBS series below.
What do you think? Were you upset by the cancellation of God Friended Me?
What a shame that this show is canceled. The cast is wonderful and the show brings some sense of hope to the different world we now live in. There are so many dumb ass shows on TV that you renew yet you get rid of a great show. Maybe that is what so many people no longer watch ‘regular’ television.
Please renew the show. There is so much you can do with this show. The characters are terrific.
Why you cbs do something like this? Take away the sex and violence show you program each week. Save the show and the American family. Michael and Nancy.
I’m so sorry this show has been cancelled . Maybe you all will get a request from the God account to bring the series back . It’s all about faith . Looking forward to a next series
My wife and I have thoroughly enjoyed God Friended Me. It is not anothet NCIS drama or a cop show. It has had the benefit of not being a realty show either.
It has been an upbeat show with TV family dynamics that did not involve all negative emotional interplay nor sterotyped interactions with a laugh track.
Will truly miss this well written pleasant Sunday Evening entertainment.
We ask that you keep it on the air.
Why would you take of GFM I loved that show Watching it gave me hope. I loved how it showed that we were are connected in many ways. I loved the cast and the writing was excellent. So disappointed in CBS
I think it’s a shame that there is finally a decent show to watch and then it gets canceled! The only feel good show on tv!
With all the violence and foul language in a lot of shows you’re taking one with morals off the air. It’s unbelievable.
My husband and I really enjoyed God Friended Me. I can’t believe it was cancelled. GFM was definitely one of the best. Is seems that all of the series that make sense are cancelled.
I’m so sad that God Friended Me is cancelled. We looked forward to seeing your show every Sunday because it was always so uplifting, especially in these dark pandemic times. We sure do wish that these more family friendly shows had more appeal to the television watching public. Reality shows are mostly off the wall, many are fake and absurd. Other shows are violent or filled with sex and rough language. Some of us just want to see a good story about good people doing good for others!
I cannot believe CBS canceled this show. One of the best on television. I always looked forward to seeing it on Sunday nights. I hope some other network “friends it” and picks it up!
I am shocked and heartsick this show has been cancelled when the dumb ass reality shows continue to go on and on.
I am in shock right now hearing that this show has been cancelled when all those dumb ass reality shows continue to go on and on .
This is one of the best written shows on CBS. I am shocked it is cancelled. We have watched every single show and feel like you are making a huge mistake. The actors are so believable and the message of hope is what is needed now more than ever!!! Please rethink this decision and allow it to return next season! Please!
I agree, this is one of the best shows in a long time, somebody please bring the show back, my husband and I were so sad Sunday night on the last show. I do feel that it ended in a way it could definitely come back. BRING IT BACK PLEASE, maby Fox can pick it up????
This is crazy! We watch this every week and love it. It has such a good message every week. There is so much crap on tv these days why cancel the good ones????