Which CW and CW Seed TV shows have been cancelled? Which ones have been renewed? How many episodes have been ordered?
Below, you’ll find a list of The CW and CW Seed’s recent/current/upcoming primetime TV shows and their current status. To see a series’ ratings and how many episodes have aired (if any), click the links in the middle column. You can also see the full season’s ratings.
Here are other cancelled/renewed listings:
Broadcast TV shows: ABC | CBS | The CW | FOX | NBC | PBS
Scripted Cable & Streaming TV shows (listed by title): A-D | E-L | M-R | S-Z
To see a series’ ratings (if available), click the links in the “current season” column.
Note: If you do not see the full chart, please try reloading the page or use the chart’s scroll bar. You can also see it here.
TBD = To Be Determined.
Here are other cancelled/renewed listings:
Broadcast TV shows: ABC | CBS | The CW | FOX | NBC | PBS
Scripted Cable & Streaming TV shows (listed by title): A-D | E-L | M-R | S-Z
We do our best to keep these lists up to date but finding information on some of these shows can be tricky. Sometimes, the networks aren’t very forthcoming with their information so, if you see something that we’ve missed, please let us know.
What do you think? Which CW shows are your favorites? Have any of them been cancelled? Which TV shows are you hoping will be renewed for another season?
Please keep!!!!!!!
Police 24/7 is a very interesting show reminds me of Cops and I loved it, time to renew the series.
Miss the Winchester show it was getting good and I loved it. Other people didn’t like it but most people did. Wish they wud bring it back on TV.
Bring back Rookie FBI
Would like to see shows that were not yet finished, like Riverdale/Nancy Drew that had several weeks left, before they were pulled the CW off TV/Cable (ATT.net/Direct TV) in our area (SW IL). They should be placed somewhere in cyberspace for viewing since our cable bill paid for all of those shows. After cancelling other CW shows they basically blew up the channel, leaving very little to watch. Thx!
Here in Houston, Tx., they have cancelled the CW39 station which is owned by Nexstar so no shows are being shown until it gets resolved which sucks!!
I bet it will be ‘good luck trying’ to watch missed episodes for a few of the shows that were pulled, before they finished out the series’.